Photo Update: Sublime Autumn Light, Roofscapes, Green Un-Spaces & Crimean War Graves

During the last year I have accumulated quite the backlog of photos which I haven’t published in Flickr due to the lack of time and energy. Now it’s the time to get those online, and here are the first three sets and batches.

Autumn walk in Lauttasaari - October 2012

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Urban Exploration: Cold Storage Equipment Factory

May 20, 2012 · Posted in Adventure!, Urban Exploration · Comment 

In the end of May I started hunkering for an another urban exploration trip, since I haven’t been that active in that front since the previous summer. A quick peek in the net revealed that there’s an abandoned industrial location a short train trip away. The place was apparently pretty thoroughly vandalized and there were rumours of it being still guarded, but it was a nice day for photographing, so I grabbed my camera and headed out.

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Urban Exploration: Abandoned Villas II

October 19, 2011 · Posted in Adventure!, Urban Exploration · Comment 

Last Sunday Susi and I headed over to what’s probably the best known urban exploration location in Helsinki, Kruunuvuori. It’s an area with a bunch of wooden villas that date from the early 20th century (some, perhaps, from late 19th century), and which have been variously occupied and abandoned throughout the years. All of them are now slowly falling prey to the forces of nature and teenage hormonal idiocy.

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