On The Road to Worldcon 75 with Janos Honkonen, Kaaron Warren and William Couper
The Worldcon 75 in Helsinki, Finland is drawing near! To get into the mood the independent publishing house Osuuskumma has launched a series of blog posts, where writers around the world talk about their work, the fandom, cons and everything spec-fi. Let’s see what’s happening in Finland, Australia and Scotland!
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2016 – The Year of Rehabilitation, Writing and Weak Tea
This year has been about getting functional, reclaiming the parts of my life that were salvageable, and jumping into the last of the three childhood dream jobs I still hadn’t done, video game script writing.
2015 – The Year of Awesome Success, Too Many Goodbyes and One Snapped Neck
2015 was a year that saw me enjoy the best summer of my adult life and bid farewell to a bunch of people, the capital region, a relationship that came with two awesome cats, an awesome apartment and a very important corner of the net, and finished with my luck finally running out in the form of one broken neck.