Terra Nova – Or How NOT To Write TV Sci-Fi
According to the latest news Fox has cancelled the time travel series Terra Nova, and good riddance to bad rubbish, I say. I’ve been ranting about the series online out of all proportion, because the whole deal makes me angry: Terra Nova was both an incredible waste of potential and a possible kick to the nuts for big budget sci-fi series in the future.
#nodrmmarch – Month of Shout-Outs to Digital Stores Without DRM & Geolocks
I’m a staunch proponent of digital distribution and generally someone who thinks creative people should be paid for their work. Then again, the entertainment and media industry is hell bent on making paying for stuff incredibly hard by hobbling their online distribution with cumbersome “copy protections” and restricting the availability of the material to geographic areas, which make absolutely no sense in the online world. That said, how about doing a shout out for those who are doing it right? Those online stores who sell their stuff with no DRM, no geolocking and preferably without watermarks? Be it games, books, movies, TV-series, comics, whatever!
(photo by Paul Cullen)