Recommend Me Good Point’n’Click Adventures for DS
During the last couple of years Nintendo DS has become my mobile gaming console of choice and I tend to carry it where-ever I go. Mostly I use it to amuse myself during the lunch breaks, unless I happen to have a handy book. The problem is, having completed Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars yesterday, I’m running out of games to play.
The most important criteria for lunch hour games is that they can’t be real-time or require fast reflexes. If I’m cutting pizza or trying to catch that one elusive olive with my fork, I don’t want to have to think what’s happening on the screen. Apart from that, I’m partial for point and click adventures, either pure ones or something like the Ace Attorney -games, which are pure genius from the point of view of gameplay and storytelling, both of which are very important considerations for me. I have also played and liked Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
So, if you know any DS games, which fit the above mentioned criteria (no real time action, a good story), I’d be grateful for any recommendations!
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