Photo Update: Sublime Autumn Light, Roofscapes, Green Un-Spaces & Crimean War Graves
During the last year I have accumulated quite the backlog of photos which I haven’t published in Flickr due to the lack of time and energy. Now it’s the time to get those online, and here are the first three sets and batches.
The Full Flickr Photoset: Roofscapes, War Graves & Green Un-Spaces
In 2012 I worked in Aalto ARTS, the major art college of Finland. Through my work room window I could see the 7th floor roof, which was often full of art students doing things like flying kites. On one afternoon in late August I decided to find my way out there and take some photos in the beautiful evening sun.
From the rooftop I decided to go explore my new home area of Lauttasaari and to find a couple of geocaches. I found one between a noise wall and a very busy highway, right next to a grave of a sniper from Crimean war. This is the wonderful thing about geocaching, learning local history through landmarks which I’d probably never otherwise encounter. The noise wall was a wonderful collection of hidden little unspaces created by the vines that were taking over its structure. Forgotten little leafy spaces.
The Full Flickr Photoset: Autumn Walk in Lauttasaari – October 2012
The October of 2012 was a massively stressful time for me. My work contract was coming to the end, I had just enrolled in a rather expensive and unwieldy school, and I was broke, trying to juggle about five jobs at the same time and to gather some money in advance for the rents of 2013. I took an afternoon day off of all that and went for a walk in an unseasonably warm late October day. I took a nap resting on a warm slab of stone in the end of a wavebreak, surrounded by the sounding sea. The evening light was breathtakingly beautiful.
The Full Flickr Photoset: Miscellaneous photos: I added some photos to the misc photoset of 2012, about nice sunsets and metro demolition.
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